The upcomingupdate will bring an array of the new light tanks (USSR, German and USA) inWoT. Thus tech trees of these nations will be extended and get more logicstructure.
The top oneswill be VIII-tier light tanks. Let’s see what these tanks are capable of.
High tierLTs like AMX 13-90, T71, WZ-131/132 occupy a special place in the game. Those,who ha ve experienced at least a dozen battles on them, hardly need anyexplanations of “light tank fun”. Just recall that vehement feeling when youapproach enemy SPG from behind to finish it off!! Or when you hide in thebushes right in front of your enemies, while they’re circling under allied fireha ving no clue who spots them…
The newlight tanks are introduced so as to enrich these feelings that inevitablyfollow the gameplay on light tanks, providing even more adrenalin for their owners.
All of themare nimble, due to their low mass and passability. Good observation coupled bylow signature and decent armament allow these tanks to solve wide array ofcombat tasks: scouting, performing raids behind enemy lines. You shouldn’tforget about their significant rigidness as well – these tanks may effectivelywithstand even a round fired by a X-tier AT-SPG.
《坦克世界》是一款在2010年由Wargaming公司推出的战争网游。于2010年10月30日在俄罗斯首发,2011年4月12日在北美和欧洲推出,2011年3月15日在中国由空中网代理推出。 ...