
米虫 2014-07-25 互联网
先给大家说个好消息吧嗯,今年8月份的科隆游戏展上面呢,WG将会首次展示战舰世界的实际游戏视频以及提供现场试玩具体情况如下文you know how the first Wargaming’s Gamescom had dancing girls with army unif

Historical Setting历史设定

The idea of our battle was to fully reproduce the events of August, 9 1942 that happened in the Pacific Ocean. Two days before, Vice-Admiral Mikawa arranged a strike group in order to interrupt the deployment of US forces at Guadalcanal. His plan was simple yet very effective: enter the Ironbottom Sound and perform night-time torpedo attacks on the ships and, most importantly, the transports of the US expeditionary forces, and then instantly retreat.


The US forces were battle-weary and exhausted; they weren’t expecting any night-time ambushes. That’s why there was almost no recon arranged and Japanese forces managed to approach unnoticed and assess the situation. Japanese cruisers almost ran into the USS “Blue” on their way to Sa vo – the ship was patrolling the western part of the bay. Japanese vessels aimed at her but didn’t fire, unwilling to sacrifice their disguise so prematurely. The first fire contact took place 30 minutes thereafter – the ambush resulted in 4 US cruisers being sunk and 2 destroyers receiving hea vy damage.

此时的美军精疲力竭,同时,他们也没有想过会和日军在夜间交战。因此,他们没有进行侦查,也没有注意到逐步逼近的日军。在向萨沃岛进发的路上,日军巡洋舰几乎与美军驱逐舰”布鲁“号撞上————当时这条船正在铁底湾西侧巡逻。日军虽然瞄准了这条船,但并未开火。因为他们现在还不想过早暴露。 真正的战斗是在30分钟之后才打响的————这次战斗日军一共击沉4条巡洋舰,重创2条驱逐舰。

(PS:双方实力对比美军:8条巡洋舰+15条驱逐舰 日军:7条巡洋舰+1条驱逐舰 日军在本次战斗中仅损失一条巡洋舰,在返航途中被潜艇击沉)

Despite causing significant chaos, Mikawa had not succeeded in fulfilling his primary task: eliminating the transports that were deploying ground forces. Therefore, the US still managed to seize control over Guadalcanal, basically meaning the loss of a key strategic edge for the Japanese forces in this region.






《坦克世界》是一款在2010年由Wargaming公司推出的战争网游。于2010年10月30日在俄罗斯首发,2011年4月12日在北美和欧洲推出,2011年3月15日在中国由空中网代理推出。 ...
