
米虫 2014-06-24 互联网
22.6.2014Posted on June 22, 2014 by Silentstalker — 47 Comments ↓Nothing much today, Storm is apparently still on vacation. You can however check Listy’s post on wartime propaganda.今天没啥,Storm仍在度假,你可以看下Listy写的关于


Posted on June 22, 2014 by Silentstalker — 47 Comments ↓

Nothing much today, Storm is apparently still on vacation. You can however check Listy’s post on wartime propaganda.


A word of warning: an alleged set of future changes of German tanks appeared on RU forums (claiming that VK6501 will be a premium, Maus will get a longer 128mm gun, some changes to VK4501 etc.) – it’s a fake and some of the alleged changes are so outrageous it should be evident at first glance, but just to be sure, I am posting this warning here in case it makes its way to our forums.


In the meanwhile, here’s some QA about the upcoming Stronkhold mode.


- the map during Stronkhold mode raids will be chosen randomly, will not contain assaults or encounter


- clan deputy commander in Stronkhold will be able to do the same things as the clan commander, aside from actually creating the stronkhold


- Stronkhold bonus (“reserve”) will combine with any event bonuses


- Stronkhold buildings that would allow you to get any tanks are not planned


- there will be two stages of Stronkhold implementation, one with the raids and maximum stronkhold tier of 4, the second with clan vs clan battles and maximum tier of 10


- there will be no “neighboring bases” in Stronkhold mode, in order to attack clan, you simply pick the enemy clan you will want to attack. Also, you will choose, in which time (timeframe) can your stronkhold be attacked (SS: eg. “defender chooses the time”)


- it’s theoretically possible the number of players doing Stronkhold raids will be reduced from 15 to 10, but this will be decided only after testing


- the medium raid tier will allow tier 5 and 6 light tanks (unlike in companies), it’s possible this will be reviewed


- what will happen when you lose defensive battle for your stronkhold: some buildings will be damaged and they will have to be repaired, certain amount of the industrial resource will be “stolen” and will go to the enemy. It will not be possible to completely destroy enemy stronkhold under any circumstances.


- consumables such as minefield for stronkhold will be usable only in combat, not outside it. It will be possible to put minefield straight before the battle somewhere on the map, artillery strike and air strike will be used on certain map sector (SS: as in, A4 rectangle for example) etc.


- it’s possible the company mode will be removed completely, it will be decided after stronkhold is implemented


- there will be no “point limit” in raids, you can use any tanks of the appropriate tier


- unlike in the raid mode, when attacking enemy stronkhold, you will know the map in advance


- apparently, the credit and XP gain in raids will use the same rules as it is now in companies


- there will be no gold rewarded for Stronkhold (“want gold, play CW”)


- when attacking/defending Stronkhold, tier 10 vehicles will be used (SS: as in, no divisions)


- apparently, if you become a clan leader, invite people to clan, develop the stronkhold and then kick everyone out of the clan, you will get to keep the developed stronkhold you got with the help of the clanmates


- it’s pointless to start a stronkhold with a clan of your account and 19 of your alts, to get bonuses, you have to participate in stronkhold battles and for that you need 14 other people


- it is not possible to start a raid with less than 15 people


- stronkhold statistics will be kept separate, just like in the case of historical battles


- there will be no “fog of war” in stronkhold mode


- the bonus you recieve from stronkhold reserves will be recieved by every player of the clan, regardless of whether he participated in raids or not



《坦克世界》是一款在2010年由Wargaming公司推出的战争网游。于2010年10月30日在俄罗斯首发,2011年4月12日在北美和欧洲推出,2011年3月15日在中国由空中网代理推出。 ...
