7号Q&A:还让不让喵活 虎式新模型增高

米虫 2014-04-08 互联网
7.4.2014Posted on April 7, 2014bySilentstalker — 19 Comments ↓Not much today- the autoaim was reworked in 9.0, because on some vehicles, the old one was aiming in the air- apparently, the Tiger I HD model might be to high? Not sure, basically, a playe


Posted on April 7, 2014bySilentstalker — 19 Comments ↓

Not much today

- the autoaim was reworked in 9.0, because on some vehicles, the old one was aiming in the air

- apparently, the Tiger I HD model might be to high? Not sure, basically, a player posted this picture of the HD model and then this photo along with a few others, Storm only said that they checked, nothing else


- 9.0版本中的自动瞄准重做了,因为在部分车上,原来的是瞄准空中的某个位置。

- 虎式高清模型可能有些高?不确定,基本情况是,一熊孩子发了一张下图所示的 高清模型图片,随之还有少部分其它的。Storm只是说他们检查过,在没说其它的了。

7号Q&A:还让不让喵活 虎式新模型增高

7号Q&A:还让不让喵活 虎式新模型增高


《坦克世界》是一款在2010年由Wargaming公司推出的战争网游。于2010年10月30日在俄罗斯首发,2011年4月12日在北美和欧洲推出,2011年3月15日在中国由空中网代理推出。 ...
